
In preparation

Zaplotnik Ž., Bonavita M., Holm E.: High-resolution ECMWF 4D-Var

Zaplotnik Ž., Semane N., Bonavita M., Massart S.: Flow-dependent ozone-wind tracing in ECMWF 4D-Var

Kosovelj, K., et al. Multidecadal variability of the Walker circulation in 20th century reanalyses.

Zaplotnik Ž., Žagar N., Semane N., 2021: Flow-dependent wind extraction in weak-constraint 4D-Var.

Zaplotnik Ž., Žagar N., 2020: Attribution of vertical velocity to Rossby modes, gravity modes and spatial scales.

Submitted/In Review

Melinc B., Zaplotnik Ž.: Neural-Network Data Assimilation using Variational Autoencoder. Submitted to QJRMS. arxiv

Neduhal V., Žagar N., Lunkeit F., Polichtchouk I., Zaplotnik Ž. Decomposition of the horizontal wind divergence associated with the Rossby, inertia-gravity, mixed Rossby-gravity and Kelvin waves on the sphere. Submitted to JGR: Atmospheres.

Machine learning

Skok G., Hoxha D., Zaplotnik Ž., 2021. Forecasting the Daily Maximal and Minimal Temperatures from Radiosonde Measurements Using Neural Networks. Appl. Sci. 11(22) Link

Atmospheric circulation/dynamics

Žagar, N., Neduhal V., Vasylkevych, S., Zaplotnik Ž., Tanaka H. L., 2023. Decomposition of vertical velocity and its zonal wavenumber kinetic energy spectra in the hydrostatic atmosphere. Accepted in Journal of Atmospheric Sciences Link

Kosovelj, K., Zaplotnik Ž., 2023. Indices of Pacific Walker Circulation strength. Atmosphere, 14(2), 397 Link

Pikovnik M., Zaplotnik Ž., Boljka L., Žagar N., 2022: Metrics of the Hadley circulation strength and associated circulation trends. Weather Clim. Dynam., 3, 625–644 Link

Pikovnik M., Zaplotnik Ž., 2022: Dekompozicija prispevkov k intenzivnosti Hadleyjeve cirkulacije. SZGG [SLO] Link

Zaplotnik Ž., Pikovnik M., Boljka L., 2021: Recent Hadley circulation strengthening: a trend or multidecadal variability? Journal of Climate, 35(13), 4157-4176 Link

Žagar N., Zaplotnik Ž., Karami K., 2020: Atmospheric Subseasonal Variability and Circulation Regimes: Spectra, Trends and Uncertainties. Journal of Climate, 33(21), 9375-9390. Link

Computational epidemiology

Zaplotnik Ž., Gavric A., Medic L., 2020: Simulation of the COVID-19 pandemic on the social network of Slovenia: estimating the intrinsic forecast uncertainty. PLoS ONE 15(8): e0238090 Link arxiv

Data assimilation - inferring dynamics from tracers in 4D-Var

Zaplotnik Ž., Žagar N., Semane N., 2023: Flow-dependent wind extraction in strong-constraint 4D-Var. Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society 1-18 Open

Zaplotnik Ž., Žagar N., Benedetti A., Semane N., 2020: Inferring atmospheric dynamics from aerosol observation in 4D-Var. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 146(728), 4. Link

Zaplotnik Ž., Žagar N., Gustafsson N., 2018: An intermediate-complexity model for four-dimensional variational data assimilation including moist processes. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 144(715), 1772-1787. Open Free

Zaplotnik Ž., 2018: Coupling of the aerosols, moisture and winds in 4D-Var data assimilation for numerical weather prediction. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ljubljana, 162 pp. Open

Žagar N. and Zaplotnik Ž., 2018: Multivariate relationships between the aerosols, moisture and winds in four-dimensional data assimilation for the global monitoring for enviroment and security. Final report of ESA-PECS project. Open

Atmospheric predictability

Žagar N., Horvat M., Zaplotnik Ž., Magnusson L., 2017: Scale-dependent estimates of the growth of forecast uncertainties in a global prediction system. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 69(1). Open

Master’s theses

[SLO] Perkan Uroš, 2023: Napovedovanje vremena s konvolucijskimi nevronskimi mrežami. Open

[SLO] Pikovnik Matic, 2021: Analiza sprememb intenzivnosti Hadleyjeve cirkulacije. Open


[SLO] Šubic, A., Pikovnik, M., Zaplotnik Ž.</b, 2023. Vlažni vročinski valovi v slovenski obalni regiji. Objavljeno v Štekam, FS.

[SLO] Rakovec, J., Ž. Zaplotnik, Prosen, T. Nobelova nagrada za fiziko 2021. Proteus 84/9,10. Maj, junij 2022.

[SLO] Slameršak, A., Ž. Zaplotnik, L. Boljka, N. Črnivec, 2020: Suggestions for a political programme for a “green” transition (towards sustainability) and a minimisation of climate change impacts. 4 pp.

Boljka, L., Ž. Zaplotnik, A. Slameršak, N. Črnivec, 2020: Comments and suggestions on the draft of the Slovenian long-term climate change strategy. A letter to the Ministry for the Environment, 2 pp. Media: OE Finance,, Globus.

Zaplotnik, Ž., L. Boljka, N. Črnivec, A. Slameršak, 2020: Climate change – open letter: A request by the Slovenian researchers to take immediate action on improving the climate change mitigation and adaptation policy. Interesting facts, Vetrnica, in press.

Maja Poklinek Čančula, Miha Čančula, Simon Čopar, Ivan Kukuljan, Matjaž Leskovar, Žiga Zaplotnik. Zakaj je pomembno, da sprejmemo vabilo k sodelovanju v študiji o razširjenosti koronavirusa? MMC RTV SLO : prvi multimedijski portal. 22. 4. 2020.

Lina Boljka, Marija Zlata Božnar, Mirko Brnič Jager, Božidar Brudar, Andrej Čas, Nina Črnivec, Marko Debeljak, Matjaž Gams, Peter Glavič, Lidija Globevnik, Boštjan Grašič, Ferdinand Gubina, Andreja Hace, Tone Horvat, Matevž Jeran, Lilijana Kozlovič, Aleš Krainer, Karel Lipič, Franc Lobnik, Janez Malačič, Tomaž Ogrin, Boris Orel, Stanislav Pejovnik, Darko Popović, Romana Seljak, Aljoša Slameršak, Gojko Stanič, Luka Štrubelj, Aleš Šubic, Jurij Tasič, Branko Tomažič, Ana Vovk Korže, Žiga Zaplotnik, Aleksander Zidanšek, Ira Zorko, Daniel Zupančič, Tomaž Žagar., 2020. Bela knjiga o strokovnem varovanju okolja. Institut “Jožef Stefan“, Ljubljana. Free

Zaplotnik Ž., 2020: Razumeti podnebne spremembe (Alternator, ZRC SAZU).

Zaplotnik Ž., Boljka L., Črnivec N., and Slameršak A., 2019: Zahteva slovenskih raziskovalcev za sprejetje takojšnjih ukrepov za blaženje podnebnih sprememb in prilagajanje nanje. Odprto pismo slovenski vladi, 13 pp. [podpisano s strani več kot 100 slovenskih znanstvenikov]. (A request of Slovenian researchers to take immediate action on improving the climate change mitigation and adaptation policy, an open letter to the Slovenian government [signed by over 100 Slovenian scientists; includes English summary]). Media coverage [SLO]: RTVSLO, 24ur, STAznanost, Dnevnik, Mladina, Večer, Finance,,, Delo in Sobotna Priloga, Slovenske Novice, Politikis, Zarja/Jana, Kvarkadabra, Radio Študent, Radio Rai Furlanija Julijska Krajina, Vetrnica (SMD). Uradni odgovor ministra za okolje in prostor Simona Zajca.

Bajc, J., Zaplotnik Ž., Živčič M., Čarman M., 2012: “Local magnitude scale in Slovenia” Advances in Geosciences. 34, 23-28. Open

Bajc, J., Zaplotnik Ž., Živčič M., Čarman M., 2012: “Izračun lokalnih magnitud potresov iz podatkov Državne mreže potresnih opazovalnic” SZGG Open

Zaplotnik Ž., 2014: Uporaba analize neodvisnih komponent v fizikalnih aplikacijah (Application of Independent Component Analysis in Physics) Magistrska naloga (Master Thesis), University of Ljubljana, 63 pp. Open


Reviewer for Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, Nature Communications, EGU Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
